Tuesday, January 15, 2008

sore eyes for the lose.

WORK; you won't imagine how i can develope a phobia for dried scallops, shrimps, pistachios and salted duck eggs in just one day.
the aunties will crowd around you. they thrust money into your face! and expect you to calculate and give them the change in 0.0001 sec. tell me what the hell is a humban. and who cares about dried mushrooms being black or white. wtf discrimination can even spread to mushrooms!

they jeer my lousy calculation skills! all aunties are rich. they have 395738573845782 pieces of 50 dollar notes. how to calculate that ^ in like less than 30 seconds? my brain is the size of a mere puny dried scallop. much less my math skills.

then they have this crazy salted duck eggs which i have to pack into threes. its black and :

then i have to scoop out beans and pistachios and weigh them, pack them, seal them and put into boxes. don't ask me to eat pistachios for new year, its bloody freaking the shit out of me. the last macaroni packing really K.Oed me. i am not cut out for this >: i want to be a rich taitai and open chain fashion boutique. now, my beautiful and tender hands are bruised and callused, weathered and withering.

went back home, almost died. went to the doctor to see my swelling eye, which hurts a shit load and its fugly. gave me mc and said im suffering from fatigue, which is really true o;

lovely bryan cheered me up with this :

how sweet of him! okay time for medicine. bye my loves, want buy food products come bankit hor.

& p.s, jiabin was really nice today ;D took great care of me.