Sunday, June 06, 2010

your hand that had no warmth


As i stoned in this lazy afternoon, listening to the bustle of life passing by, I stared into space and wondered: What the fuck am I going to do with my life.

I hate love, hate being subjugated by it and absolutely abhor my stupid heart for being so obstinate. I kept waiting for it, waiting for my heart to just finally give up and leave. Even when the knife was piercing right through it, the inundation of anguish wasn't even enough to go anywhere close to giving up.

Heart holds out its quivering hands, lapping up every tiny bit of affection he gingerly throws. It latches on to the memories I couldn't seem to erase and births an invulnerable hope that things will be fine again.

It refuses to accept change.

But change is happening all around me, my enervated heart couldn't cope, it shuts itself away from everything and everyone, preserving only the memories and living within the stills of affection it collected. My mind is alert, and worried about all the impending issues that I have yet to solve and attend to.

I need to stop. Need to move on. Need to accept change, and destroy the surrealism of the ephemeral joy my heart thinks is love. because its not.

I need something called Strength.