will you ever tell someone you love him if you dont mean it?
this is fucking stupid. HELLO GUYS, i know you miss me la! see my sec 2 photo got puke anot? HAHAHAHHAA.
anyway, i can't get to sleep. so i reckon it's cool to post some random musing that i thought of :
SO GIRLS, ( and guys, read it and fucking squeeze them into your dick of a brain ) don't we all need a man who:
♥ remembers when your period comes and brings you a hot bottle and chocolates
♥ brings you plasters when you've been wearing heels all day
♥ knows what you want to eat before you say it
♥ sneaks up on you to hug you from the back whilst you're washing the dishes
♥ kisses you on your forehead
♥ turns up with supper at your door on a rainy night
♥ surprises you with breakfast in bed ( i wouldn't even mind if its burnt )
♥ says nothing but let you cry in his arms when you quarrel with a girlfriend
♥ look at you in the eyes and they say " i love you "
♥ plays you a song on the guitar ( i swear i won't laugh if its horrible )
♥ make love and fall asleep holding your head to his chest
♥ slip a packet of your favorite sweets into your bag before you leave for school
♥ drops you post-its that says " oh god i miss you "
♥ bought you a dress when he's out with his mates and he says " you'll look so beautiful in this "
♥ doesn't loses his cool when you beat him in a game
♥ stays beside you watching you study- all day. ( that's real boring but i like it )
♥ get you that something at the shop which he caught you gazing at, VIA MAIL. ( this is classic )
♥ kisses you on your hand
♥ slips 50 into your wallet before you head out to meet your girlfriends ( actually i felt like typing 1000. HAHAHAH )
♥ blushes when you look at him adoringly.
♥ and so much more, it may even help me fall asleep typing them out.
girls, anything else to add? HAHAHA.
they use iphones and set up blogshops. and plays games on facebook!! *screams. this is scaring the shit out of me.
this is cool shit, baby. watch it at GOLDEN VILLAGE with a purchase of at least 3 tickets and you get a limited edition squirrel plush toy. :)
anyone fancy some rat pie? :) okay this is gross if you keep staring at the photo lolol.
i know, my lipstick color damn chiozxz
remember your mask when you go out!!! bye you bitches.