I peered at myself in mirror, fingers gliding across my wet cheeks. it has been so long since i got to taste happiness; that i forgot how it felt like. i hate myself for being disabled by love, crippled by my own blundering heart.
every touch, every move, every place, every thing, reminds me of him. i want to wash all the thoughts of him away, yet the steamy bath just brings back evocative memories, plunging a knife into my already broken heart.the bed is no longer a bed, but a place i dread the most. loneliness engulfs me with open arms, and i fall acquiescently into it, unable to save myself. the longing in me, is a slow drug. my soul is ebbing away, bit by bit. anything seems to be dying, except my love for him.
is this what love is all about?
PROLOGUE OF LET HIM GO, PLEASE COMMENT. this is easier as compared to my primeofhatred because i have sims :D