Saturday, June 14, 2008

wq sucks balls.

HELLO GUYS :D i have oodles of photos! *camwhore-smile :)
i am blogging from Pan Pacific Hotel. woohoo. :D

before i start. on a random day at dave's house, i saw this :

Junquan was grossed out when he held up the cup and i almost vomitted. My lizard friend and the moth was chasing each other and omgwtf i wonder how they ended in my green tea. to think i wanted to drink it --

and this. i was walking to the bus stop. and i was like omfgwtf? the thing is not about the car. its about how the fuck it got there. =/

SATURDAY: woohoo. ;D

Today is go pan pacific hotel day! heehee. the room costs 350 a night. its not bad you know! I was like facking excited la. i spent a long time whoring in front of the mirror asking myself why i am so fat and ugly. but anyway yes it took me long to choose my clothes, do my mascara and hair. poor jiawei had to wait for me before we start dotaing T.T HAHA :D

camhoring got better of me. you see, its pretty tricky to try to take a full body shot of what you are wearing entirely + an act cute face, on my really pathetic 2.0 megapixels camera phone.

My really lovely topshop petticoat top and mango jeans! ;D woohoo. yes im ugly STOP RUBBING IT IN, *thinking about jw saying im ugly

MY SIGNATURE FROWNforthe camera! (exclusively for renjie: frowning is good! )
Pan pacific hotel is not bad at all. I've been there a few years back. and it still looks as good. :D

the room looks nice right. and the pillows are damn cuddly la. LOLOL.

YES, camwhoring seems just the right thing to do then, Self timer was pretty useful. HAHA. thepillows are so omfg cotton candy! /wrists

Being a student in environment design, i see that this architect has a fetish for pointy edges. and potted plants. but anyway, the lifts move like snails.

OH, emo shots are my personal favourites. O: went to jack's place for dinner with dennis. he was wearing this stripey green shirt from burberry and it resembles the table cloth LOL. Jack's House Special! Dennis is as predictable as dave. and they both like garlic bread. ;D

So much for distilled water! * runs 2km to 711 for 65cents drink. They charge 8 dollars for distilled water, when we can actually drink the tap water cuz we are in SINGAPORE. crazy shit.

NO, NO one was around when i took this photo. pardon the obscenity, YOU KNOW, ITS DAMN COLD, TO GET OUT OF THE BATH to activate self timer and splash back into the tub, strike a pose and try to cover as much as i can and not look too ugly. but yes, the hot bath water was really good with all the bath salts ;D and the towels are so fluffy! *hugs the towel affectionately.

want to buy a BATHROBE, which is too big for yourself and it bears a hideously big pan pacific hotel logo for 60bucks? O;

what, set a guiness world record of " most number of hotel bathrobes collected "

CONTOUR! *omg laughs REALLY happily thinking about my course in tp.

i have many stupid act artistic shots! i can't resist flowers. NOOO I CANT. you will see why soon.

Not that these are flowers, but well this is the LOVELY VIEW i can see from my room. ! :D

Is it just me, or does ritz carlton look like a modem from here =/
i have more photos! *of flowers! but i guess now my post is like too long O:
anyway i want to thank DENNIS. *swings back hair bimbotically. TOTALLY. ;)

anyway i bought my granddaddy boxers. he promised me he will wear! how cool is that!
*fights the urge to tickle wq